Regarding international roaming charges by Vodafone - India Consumer Forum

Regarding international roaming charges by Vodafone

The complaint is on international roaming charges. I had taken a 7 days international roaming plan of VODAFONE and used it from 14th to 21st June while I was there. I was in Paris from 14-18, Prague on 19,20 and Poland on 21st. I got a message on 21st June 4pm mentioning that 10k is the left bill you need to pay. Then I got a message on 22nd June 4pm when I was in India saying your bill is 91000!!!!!. This was not enough on 11th July 2015 – I got a bill which mentioned that the total bill amount is 1.24.000 which is insane and they stopped my services. In this whole they din’t call me, din’t message me and dint communicate anything. I went to the customer care today and I have never seen anybody so negligent than VODAFONE’S CUSTOMER CARE. I said – I had a pack and see this is the bill they are asking. She raised it to the higher authority. I said – But Put my services on if you are not sure whats happening and why is the bill so high. Its almost 2 days now and nobody from nowhere is doing anything about the whole process. I am an enterpreneur and its severely affecting my business as I cant make any outgoing calls nor is my data working. This is such a shameful thing that they charge 1,24,000 amount and when meet the customer care executives, they don’t even solve the problem but delay it. I seriously think this is a pure case of misleading and incomplete information to customers and this should be strictly seen at. Like me there are around 15 customers on a daily basis who visit 52 vodafone stores in India and such is the plight.

SECTOR 41, GURGAON 122001, Haryana
Email: / 08/07/2017 / 4:19 pm

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