ajio | India Consumer Forum

Tag: ajio

Ajio deducted balance from wallet without confirming the order

Ajio deducted my balance from Ajio wallet without confirming the order. Value: 1617 I was ordering through Ajio app by pop upi payment mode but the transaction got failed from pop upi and still the Ajio wallet balance was deducted from my ajio account due to internal error of the app. Now because of that …

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Unable to log into Ajio, wallet blocked

Not able to login ajio app. Value: 1700 I am unable to login my ajio app . I have been using it since long but after returning some products it seems that they have disable my account. Also I assume some refund have been blocked in their wallet Shiban Dibrugarh 786001, Assam Email: sxxxxxxxb@gmail.com

Ajio blocked my account because of higher returns

Ajio blocked my account because of higher returns while I paid them convenience fee and delivery charges for every order. If the product has size issues or its quality is not good enough, should the customer keep it and not return it ? Ajio gives a silly reason to block my account. Also Ajio doesn’t …

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Complaint regarding order placed with Ajio

Order was Placed On 15th Nov, Ajio Has Cancelled The Order From Their End Without Intimation And Have Not Processed Refund. When Checked On Platfom “X” And Their Customer Support, They Cannot Provide An Acknowledgement And Are Just Asking To Wait Without Offering Refund. Order Id FN2xxxxxxxxx0 . Shashank Bengaluru 560043, Karnataka Email: sxxxxxxxxxxr@gmail.com

Complaint regarding AJIO NORETURN100 coupon

I have placed the order in AJIO with out applying any coupon code manually. But a coupon called “NORETURN100” is being applied by default and then when we try to return the product, they’re saying that it cannot be returned because we had applied the coupon, but they applied it and without informing us. Backend …

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Complaint regarding wrong delivery by Ajio, no customer support

Wrong item delivered by ajio and not taking it back. Value: 1000 I have received wrong product for which I have return so many times and the request are cancelled. The wrong items has been delivered by you people and not taking the wrong item causing unnecessary trouble to me photographs of wrong item delivered …

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Regarding no return pickup support from Ajio

No return pickup for Ajio product. Value: 10 thousand approx Hi, I have bought some products from Ajio website and then i choose to return the item. The company is not sending any courior guy to pick the product and after trying to communicate with the customer team I am not getting any response. Really …

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