Complaint regarding delivery of broken furniture - India Consumer Forum

Complaint regarding delivery of broken furniture

While being posted at an Army establishment at Wellington, had made an online purchase of a wooden Bowley Bar (large) on 07 Nov online, which was delivered on 15Nov17 at approximately 1800 hrs at Wellington Tamil Nadu by Safe Express. On opening the consignment it was noticed that the door handle was broken, & the wood used was not a sheesam wood as promised, the wood was filled with pathetic putty at many places. The wall were the hinge has to be mounted was broken which does not hold the side door shelves. the polish were left at many places. The complaint was raised on 15 Nov17 vide Complaint no #56108 & # 56106; there after I was promised that they will revert back with in 48 hrs. However on calling them up back again after 48hrs they promised that a technician will attend to my furniture within 48 hrs, in case if it nonrepairable, they will replace it. It is now eighth day of my complain & reciept of the consignment. In between I spoke to the owner on 20Nov 17, he promised his personal insight & vis a vis an early rectification of the same, however no action or remedial measures per se was taken by him; Every day I had been calling up the Customer care, the executives there promise me that today the technician is scheduled to visit, ( Call records of all the calls available with me) but neither they are sending the technician nor replacing the broken furniture sold to me.
It is imperative to state that as an armed forces personnel we earn with our sweat & blood & I feel glutted to state that these kind of fraudulent business men cheat us of our hard earned money.
I would appreciate all your help, if a just & firm action is taken against & also the broken furniture sold to me is replaced.

The Nilgiris Tamil Nadu, WELLINGTON 643231, Tamil Nadu

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