Delay in delivery of product by Flipkart - India Consumer Forum

Delay in delivery of product by Flipkart

I have booked 2 product in the name of Mxxxxp nxxxxi from Flipkart order no.OD110588432801518000 AND OD110615508757103000 on 26/10/2017 and 29/10/2017 whose delivery date was upto 6/11/2017 and 7/11/2017 respectively by making payment including courier cost on the same day through net banking. When i was tracking the status of order for both the order i founded that both the product was out for delivery on 03/11/2017.

But till now the status is showing the saame no updation is there and on 6/11/2017 their courier person having called to my reg. no. and told that he is having the product with him but cannot come and deliver to the registered address so we have to come 25 km to receive the product. and when wed argued that we have alreaady paid the courier charge so the product should be delivered to the registered address only. then that courier person misbehaved and told that he cannot come in next 2 next but he will come after 2 or 3 days if he will get any other courier to be delivered for the same registered address and disconnected the phone.

Again and again we have tried to contact the courier person either he was not picking up the phone or was disconnecting the phone.

Then finally on 06/11/2017 i have called flipkart cusomer care no. 18002089898 and registered the complaint regarding delay in delivery of product and misbehave of courier person by 2:30 pm appox. i got assurance that they will look into the matter and the product will be delivered by next day.

But when i havent received product even by 7/11/2017 till evening i have again called theflipkart customer care and inform that today was the last date for the delivery of product and their courier person is not behaving correctly over phone and hold the product for no reason they assured that they will register the complaint against the courier and the solution will be provided by 48 hours.

But till now today 09/11/2017 by 8:00 pm we havent received the product. and when i called again on 09//11/2017 by 7:pm with customer care of flipkart they are saying that i have to wait till 11/11/2017 for the product.

My question is i am booking the product and paying the full amont on the same date including courier charge then how courier person can ask us that he cannot come to registered address for delivery. and who has given the right to courie person to hold the product for 6 days ?

Why i should we waiting more time to receive the product even after the product is with their courier person nearest to the register booking address.

Already the same issue happened previously with the product booked on 10/10/2017 with orderno OD1144318208740000. where first of all courier person called to the registered no and told they cannot come to deliver to the registered address and when we requested he agreed to come after 2to 3 days. and when we called after 3 days he told that he is not having the physical product with him he was only seen the name in the list and called us but since the product is not with him i have to cancel the product and book another one. and the same has been cancelled by flipkart itself without our consent on 24/10/2017.

This is i think a job work being done by flipkart by receiving the money and not delivering the product on time and cancelling the product. as we donot get any interest on the amount paid by us to flipkart for the delayed period. so kindly look into our complaint varify the things any enable us to get the compensation for the harrassment i have faced.

manish GUPTA
Pudupattu, Sankarapuram 606202, Tamil Nadu

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