Regarding Online captcha job fraud - ICS Consultancy

Regarding Online captcha job fraud – ICS Consultancy

I was surfing for some online job opportunities, when this company contacted me for online captcha writing work. So I asked the person contacted me on call & Whatsapp to share some agreement/details. They shared me an email from debt8336[@] with a link and written “You need to digitally sign it & submit it, so that we can do further process.”. I went through the details mentioned in the link and was not comfortable working on 11 months contract and hence did not revert nor signed (neither digitally) any document.
I started getting their calls the next day asking if I accepted the terms. On refusing them that I’m not comfortable working with them; they started to call me frequently and were asking to open link while on call with them, they will help to understand the terms and conditions mentioned in there. For once to avoid them, I opened the same link shared through debt8336[@] and immediately I received the pop up saying – “You have successfully submitted” and their call got disconnected.  The next day I received user id and password.  Tried contacting them but the numbers are unreachable.
Since received no further updates from them & I too was not able to reach them, I ignored it. Just after few days, I received a call from their Advocate regarding notice and was pressurising me to make payment to them otherwise they will file a case against me. I asked them on what behalf they are saying that they have my signed agreement when I haven’t signed any agreement. They also have taken soft copy of Voter ID card in name of confirmation of address proof during one of the talks in starting.
Kindly help with the necessary steps as their frequent threats through messages and emails are harassing me mentally. I have not accepted any agreement and still they are claiming me to pay money

Warora 442907, Maharashtra

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