Complaint against Flipkart for not honoring return request - India Consumer Forum

Complaint against Flipkart for not honoring return request

We ordered a 30 Litres Kent make OTG on Flipkart on 15/07/20. The product was delivered to us on 21/07/20. Since we were not satisfied with the size and some other features, we requested for a refund which was accepted by Flipkart and the pick up was scheduled by 31/07/20. When the pick up was not honoured by 31/07/20, we called up customer service to check and found out that they have cancelled the return request. However the customer service agent assured that they will resolve the issue by 6/08/20. Since they are not responding to my request, am forced to lodge a complaint here.

P.O. Harinavi, Kolkata

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