BlazeFlash Couriers ordered to pay compensation for deficiency of service - India Consumer Forum

BlazeFlash Couriers ordered to pay compensation for deficiency of service


Consumer Complaint No-222/2007

Order passed on 20.06.08

Amrendra Prasad…Complainant


BlazeFlash Couriers….Opposite Party

In the instant case Complainant prayed for a compensation of Rs. 67,000/- towards principal amount, compensation and litigation cost from the O.P for non-delivery of an envelope, booked to Madras through the O.P’s courier service.

1. The case in brief is that the Complainant, a businessman of sports item, booked an envelope, containing a Road Permit, for purchasing of play ball, to M/s Mahesh Elestomers (P) Ltd., Madurai, Madras through the O.P. on  30.10.07 vide C. N. No 134077628 (photocopy attached with complaint petition). When after thirteen days the consignment (Road Permit) did not reached to MEPL,Madurai, he made a complaint to O.P. on 14.11.07. But the O.P. did not responded personally or when contacted on phone no-9334213447 (attached with evidence, photocopy of chit maintaining address of H.O. and Tele. Phone no provided by Branch Office of O.P. at Upper Bazar, Ranchi). According to the Complainant till date the O.P. has not delivered or returned the said documents to MEPL, Madurai or to him, hence, the above case.

2. On perusal of record and hearing the pleadings of the Complainant it was noted that he had booked a consignment through the O.P. on 30.10.07 to Madurai. As per the complainant the consignment (envelope) was containing a Road Permit for purchasing play balls.

3. There was nothing on record to counter that the said consignment did not reach to its destination till today though the Complainant made attempt for clarification from the O.P. V.L.D. 14.11.07 and through several phone calls regarding the non-reaching of the above consignment, but in vain.

4. From the above facts and findings, the Forum came to the conclusion that there was a deficiency of service on the part of the O.P. as per section 2 (i) (c) of the C.P. Act, 1986 Hence, it passed an ex-parte order that the O.P. should refund Rs.20/- towards courier charge along with Rs.5,000/- as compensation and litigation charges for mental harassment and agony total being Rs. 5,020/- to the Complainant within 60 days from this order, failing which the Complainant shall be entitled to an interest @ 10 % p.a. since the date of order till the date of payment and to execute the order through process of the Forum.

Smt. S.Sengupta
Sri B.P.Srivastava

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