Complaint about defective fuel pump of Tata Tiago XT From Tata Motors - India Consumer Forum

Complaint about defective fuel pump of Tata Tiago XT From Tata Motors

I purchased TATA Tiago XT 1.2 Petrol in November 2016. Total KM driven – 82442. From Tata Motors Dealer: Mascot Tata, Aligarh. I have done every service whether it is paid or free at Tata Motors authorized service stations.

In 2018 during the summer in May-June ( vehicle Driven around 41,000 KM )  I faced the issue of engine misfiring during long drives.  It’s like when you drive around 150 kms or more, problems Occur. It just like car is not behaving normally, Power loss while accelerating and engine took hiccups while driving. I need to stop the car for about 20 or 30 minutes let Her Cool Down a little Bit, Problem goes away.

So I Drive the car to Mascot Tata Authorized Service center ( Aligarh ) for a check up. Service Staff Checked Car by connecting Laptop and Scanned it for error Codes. They told me that there are some temporary codes, we have cleared them. Car is ok you can take it without any hesitation. I said ok as it was my first time.

I faced the same issue frequently whenever I need to Drive around 150 kms. I again make a same Complain at Mascot Tata Aligarh. This time also, they responded same, They used to connect a laptop and cleared those error codes. They were unable to detect the actual problem.

After 4 or 5 times when same problem occurs and I was again reporting same problem, they told me that may be The Fuel Pump is causing this. Replacement of Fuel Pump is needed, But Service Staff did not mention this clearly to me. As the vehicle was under warranty, guaranty and Fuel Pump is not a normal wear and tear part of vehicle So I insist them to Change Fuel Pump. They Change it without any Charge. After this Those Hiccups and Power loss Problems disappeared instantly.

Now again in 2020 ( Vehicle Driven almost 82,000 kms ) I am facing the same issue, While Driving From Delhi To Aligarh on 10th of June 2020. I went to Mascot Motors immediate while returning as it is in way. Again they cleaned codes and cleaned the parts and said if  it occurs again we will change the fuel pump. This time They Charged me around 900 INR.

On 27th I was Driving from Gurgaon to Agra with my family. Same Problem occurs around driving around 150 kms or more. After Returning Aligarh on 29th , I again took my car at  Mascot TATA. There service staff took the car with us for a test drive of 20 kms. But Car didn’t Show any problem. I asked them to change Fuel Pump. In return they said they have to test drive the car around 150 kms to reach that condition where Fuel Pump Fails. Because they are unable to detect defective fuel pump functionality by connecting laptop and taking error codes from Censors.

After debating them on there ridiculous approach of detecting problems. Some How I agreed with them and leave car there. Next day 30th June 2020 They took the car for long drive of 139 kms . But Car doesn’t show any problem. Now again they cleared temporary error codes and Labeled the car all ok. I again insist them to change the part free of cost. But they denied, as they were unable to detect any kind of problem with Fuel Pump.

From all of this I reach on a conclusion that may be there is a problem with the Fuel Pump. Most probably Manufacturing or design defect. I searched for other car owners, there are other owners who face same problem with fuel pump just after 11,000 kms or more but less than mine.
In Service Manual it is mentioned that there are some spare parts which are subjected to normal wear and tear, These spare parts are needed to be replaced at some specified kms. Regardless of they are functioning well or not, such as Spark Plugs, Air Filter element, Engine Oil, Gear oil, Oil Filter. There is not any point of  replacing Fuel Pump of Car.
As Fuel Pump is not a normal wear and Tear part of  Car such as Clutch, Brake assembly, Tyres. Which are subjected to wear out depending on driving style of owner. Tata Motor Should Replace it free of cost. There is no way that Fuel pump malfunctions that quick, around every 40,000 km in my case. Does that means I have to pay 9000 to 10,000 Rs every 40,000 km for Fuel Pump replacement. Even if I pay this much, Tata Motor Executives told us that If  You purchase any spare part from us, there is only 6 months or 10,000 km (which ever comes first) warranty Guaranty.
There are other cars of  Tata and even same Model of Tata Tiago of different production batch, There is no such complaint about them. There are other car of different companies, fuel pump is not an Issue in them. I owns Wagon R also, Clocking  around 2,10,000 kms, without any problem with fuel pump.
So Kindly look into the matter urgently.

Aligarh 202001, Uttar Pradesh


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    • Yogesh S on 06/04/2021 at 4:38 pm

    I purchased TATA TIGOR petrol in 2018 from National Auto Wheels Pune & i started facing similar issues like you in 2019 when it was almost 9000 kms.

    • Pranaya Rawat on 06/06/2021 at 7:57 am

    I purchased Tata Tigor petrol in 2018 and am facing the same problem. The engine stalls after around 150 KM and then starts working fine after a while. My car has run 43000 km

    • SHAHID Hussain Shah on 13/08/2021 at 12:57 pm


    • Akshay Kumar Taliyan on 03/06/2022 at 8:02 pm

    I am facing same problem after 49000 kms mainly driving uphill.

    • Aashit on 16/07/2022 at 1:48 pm

    I am also facing this problem, I have purchased Tata Tiago on November 2016 and can run is ~50,000 kms.
    To begin with, Sgar Motors Tata Service Centre mentioned that there is some problem in radiator fan and changed replaced it which cost me ~Rs 11000 .

    Now they are mentioning that the fuel pump is not working properly and to replace it you have to pay Rs12000.

    This is very disappointing

    • Javaid ahmed on 28/09/2022 at 11:22 am

    I am from srinagar i purchased tata tiago xz in Dec. 2019 i am facing same problem especially uphills

    • D on 23/05/2023 at 5:07 pm

    I am facing same problem after 46000km
    I purchased car from pune Concard Motars

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