DD Sports not showing cricket match - India Consumer Forum

DD Sports not showing cricket match

As per the new TRAI rules , all the DD NETWORK channels are FREE TO AIR channels, and should be free of cost and network company has to telecast for free . But Videocon D2h is breaking the TRAI rule , they are asking money to watch cricket match on DD SPORTS during cricket timing. They are fooling people by asking money for a free to air channel, which is against the rule.
Kindly resolve this fraud ., We are hoping for the solution.. Thank you

HemChandra Aruvaa
Beltangady 574217, Karnataka
Email: hxxxxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com


    • ICF on 09/03/2019 at 12:35 pm

    DD network may be free but the DD may not have right to telecast cricket match.

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